(104 votes)

Speed ​​optimization

A site or store that loads slowly, like longer than two seconds, nowadays that is simply no longer a possibility for a serious company. It is expected that your page will load quickly, especially nowadays almost everyone is on the internet with the smartphone, who generally have even more difficulty loading a too heavy page. In most cases, a number of fairly simple and fast adjustments are more than sufficient to achieve a decent profit on your speed. Do you want receive more information immediately? Contact us today and receive more information, without obligation, about our speed optimization services and also receive free advice on how we can make your website or webshop much faster, directly from our expert in the field of speed optimization and other necessary factors.

Full speed optimization contains many factors

Optimizing for a site or shop speed is not a matter of turning a button here or there, there are many factors involved and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. In an ideal situation, every speed point is handled correctly and your page's have a perfect score for every test. However, that is not necessary and there are a number of points that can give you a bigger profit with the total speed, without having to pay an exceptional amount for it. Which site factors we can best start optimize for you will vary per page and it is therefore recommended to immediately contact for a personal and free consultation. You will therefore be in direct contact with a specialist in the field of speed optimization. He will answer all your questions without obligation and if desired we can immediately send you a suitable quotation and maybe soon start optimizing the speed of your site or shop, and make all the page's really fast.

Optimize source code
Optimize source code

The source code is the underlying code that ensures that the correct data is loaded when requesting your website. However, this kind of source optimization is not always possible.

Decrease requests
Decrease requests

The browser can only process one request at a time. That is why in most cases a great speed gain can be achieved by (drastically) reducing the number of requests when a site is loaded.

Merge images
Merge images

With the merging of images, it is possible to reduce the number of requests, together with technical adjustments, this is a very good speed optimization for any site or store.

Compress images
Compress images

Images can be very heavy to load and in most cases it is very possible to minimize the size of an image without any quality loss. This can reduce the size to 50% of the original size.

Remove unnecessary CSS & JS
Remove unnecessary CSS & JS

CSS and JS code are two programming languages used to build web pages. In many cases, only part of this code is actually used and the rest can be removed for a good speed gain.

Delayed loading of code
Delayed loading of code

The site visitors only need the parts that are actually displayed at that moment, while the other parts can be loaded with a delay (later). This will make some sites load a lot faster.

HTTP(s) Request caching
HTTP(s) Request caching

Caching requests is a technique to ensure that visitors do not have to download files a second time. It only works for recurring traffic, but on the other hand is an easy upgrade to do.

Rewriting heavy code
Rewriting heavy code

A programming language can be written in many ways. That is why it is quite possible in some cases to rewrite a too heavy code to a lighter version, so the code work much faster and more clean.

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